Tuesday, 10 September 2019

New program for company/ individual/ trust at mumbai

πŸ’ *New program for company/ individual/  trust at mumbai  place.* πŸ’

Till Saturday 7th September πŸ˜„ ✅πŸ˜ƒ

*10 weeks Trading Program for Individuals / Trust / Company.*

Salient Features of Trading :


One crore available current account will be internally blocked in Client’s Bank itself for 10 weeks only.

1) This amount will not be transferred to any other account for that 10 weeks.

So this amount will be available in Client’s Bank Account itself only.

But this amount can not be withdrawn by the Client for that 10 weeks period.

2) Amount -> one crore only.

     Period -> ten weeks only.

Profit -> Client will get 50+20lac x 10 weeks = 7 crore including Facilitators Commissions( Client 5 crores and media 2 crores) .

3) After the completion of Agreement and Internal Blocking, Client will get automatic credit of 50+20 lac at the end of every week for 10 consecutive weeks to Client’s Bank Account.

*We have this short term trading program (CASH HOLDING = ACCOUNT BLOCKING).*

*Client has to SIGN AN AGREEMENT (NCND & IMFPA) WITH THE TRADER AT MUMBAI by providing the following self attested xerox copies of the documents to the Trader (CLIENT WILL RECEIVE HIS TRADING PROFITS FROM TRADER’S MUMBAI BANK ACCOUNT TO CLIENT’S BANK ACCOUNT).*

In advance, we have to send the scanned copies of the same self attested xerox copies of the documents (soft copy) to the Trader for verification.

Immediately after verification of the documents, Trader will declare the mutually accepted date for Agreement at Mumbai. If more number of clients from a particular city means,  Trader will come to the city for agreement.( More than 3 clients)


1) Registration Copy.

2) Partnership Deed Copy.

3) Three month Bank Statement.

4) Three years ITR.

5) Three years Balance Sheet.

6) GST Certificate.

7) Pancard Copy of the Company and Partners.

8) Aadharcard Copy of Partners.

9) Passport Copy of Patners.

10) Passport size photo of Partners.

*Send below documents to be given to donor:*

1. 80G copy
2. 12AA copy
3. PAN card Trust
4. PAN card of all Trustees
5. Last 3 years ITR
6. Last 6 months bank statement.
Projects report/summary (current & future details).
8. Cancelled cheques
9. Trust deed.
10. List of Trustee.
11. Trust profile,  activi
12. Bank details.
13. Latest balance sheet, income & expenses account, auditors report.
14. NITI AAYOG ID GST Registration /  number .

*Special Note πŸ‘‡πŸ» :

We have to SHOW our original documents to the Trader for Authentication at the time of signing the Agreement at Mumbai.

All the Salient Features of Trading will be entered in Agreement (NCND, and IMFPA).

VIP 🧐 πŸ‘‡πŸ» :-

September's current bank statement / BRL &&& single pdf of all documents with proper index πŸ˜„

The above πŸ‘†πŸ»program will start with minimum 1 cr up to 9 cr

This program's transaction will be held only in Mumbai ✅

Receiver's account should be of Mumbai  Maharashtra 

1 comment:

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